There are no impending weather events at this time.
FMIT Alert:
Hurricane Irma Recovery Update
Report any and all damages to Member-owned property caused by Irma.
The best way to report damages is through the Trackdown Damage Assessment mobile application as damages are linked to existing assets and claims with photos and descriptions. FMIT offers free Damage Assessments to Members who request them and provide a list of damaged locations for us to visit. Email to request a Damage Assessment along with a list of damaged locations/assets for us to review. These Damage Assessments will also allow us to direct resources to your affected locations.
Alternatively, you can email directly with your claim information related to damaged covered property and covered vehicles. Please note the Damage Assessment method is the most effective and efficient method of claim reporting since it syncs with FMIT’s claims system. Either way your claim-related communications will be addressed a quickly as possible.
FMIT will analyze coverage on every claim presented and render an adjudication and settlement for covered damages. FMIT recognizes that as owners of your property, you have the right to undertake repairs to your property as quickly as possible. If you begin repairing/replacing damaged assets, you must ensure that you first have a Damage Assessment performed or assure photos and descriptions of the damages are recorded and transmitted to Without this information, your property damage claim may be jeopardized.
FMIT has been working to assist Members with reported damages to critical assets over the past week and will continue this week. FMIT began deploying adjusters to these critical locations this week. FMIT has also engaged a larger group of loss adjusters for deployment across the state to provide additional adjusters to Members who have reported damages. This is a very large task as most of our membership has been affected by Irma and it will take some time. The adjustment group will be contacting Members as they are assigned by FMIT
Many Members are facing issues related to debris removal. In nearly all cases, debris from trees or any vegetation knocked over or damaged by the storm is not covered under the FMIT Property Policy unless the debris is either:
a) contacting an insured asset, or
b) blocking immediate access to an insured asset & impeding recovery. -
Any Members that have or are seeking a debris management contractor should ensure that your agreements with said contractor include verbiage that indemnifies and remunerates your organization specifically from errors made by the contractor during the debris management process that would disqualify your organization from FEMA Public Assistance. We also strongly suggest you consult with your organization’s attorney prior to any procurement to assure compliance with any existing or emergency orders or directives applicable to debris removal, FEMA funding or the like.
We have been getting requests regarding Member trees that have fallen on citizens’ homes/property. In these cases, FLC will have to determine if the tree was dead or otherwise in a poor condition before rendering a coverage decision. In most cases this is an “act of God” that would not be the fault of the FMIT Member. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to remove the fallen trees on their property and to mitigate additional damages. Homeowners can be advised to file a claim with their homeowner’s insurance company.
This is a very popular question among FMIT Members. Through the FMIT PACT (Public Assistance Closeout Team), we have worked with FEMA and Members on previous de-obligations from ‘04/’05 storms as well as recent Hurricanes Hermine and Matthew. We will be supporting Member FEMA PA Applications and associated project worksheet development, where requested, in order to minimize potential issues. We will work with the FEMA PAC specialist to review the project worksheet to ensure that there is no potential duplication of benefits and that the claim has been adjudicated correctly. Information is already being captured in simpliCity under each Member’s claim to assist in the documentation process.
Members are advised to contact SynergyNDS, Inc. (FMIT PACT Manager) after they have scheduled their individual FEMA Kickoff meeting. Synergy is currently setting up additional contact information for the FMIT PACT Team, which will be distributed in subsequent FMIT Alert emails.
Please Ensure That Recovery Operations Are Undertaken Safely. Click Here to download an Overview of Post Event Safety.
Click on the Following FEMA Public Assistance FACT SHEETS Along With Other Materials for Additional Information to Support Your Response & Recovery Initiatives:
FMIT Alert Level 2:
Hurricane Maria a Category 3 Hurricane With Maximum Sustained Winds of 125MPH as it Approaches The Leeward Islands. Current Model Projections Predict Maria Passing to the East of Florida, However the Exact Path is Too Early to Predict.
FMIT Member:
Monday September 18, 2017
Latest from the National Hurricane Center:
“At 18/1500 UTC, Hurricane Maria was located about 52 nm east of Martinique near 14.7N 60.1W, moving west-northwest at 9 kt. The estimated minimum central pressure is 959 mb. Maximum sustained winds are 105 kt with gusts to 130 kt. Numerous moderate to strong convection is from 07N-18N between 54W-64W. Hurricane warnings are in effect for the northern Leeward Islands. Maria is forecast to intensify further more over the next 48 hours.”
(Courtesy and

FMIT Discussion:
Less than a week from Irma landfall, TS Maria formed a couple days ago and is now a Category 3 Hurricane.
Current models are beginning to show a lesser possibility of Maria impacting the Eastern Coast of Florida, with the center of the projected path recurving into the Atlantic prior to any landfall in Florida. At this point in time it is too soon to be certain on Maria’s exact path.
Maria has maximum sustained winds of 125mph.
Maria will move close to the Leeward Islands and Puerto Rico by the middle of this week, and then near or north of Hispaniola, the Turks and Caicos and Bahamas late this week into this weekend.
Conditions remain very favorable for growth and Maria is expected to intensify further into a Category 4 Hurricane by the time it reaches the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico tomorrow into Wednesday.
FMIT Member Preparedness Actions:
Members should continue to monitor Hurricane Maria as well as FMIT Alerts and local/national weather forecasts.
Damage Reporting Options:
Call 844-FMIT-CAT (844-364-8228) to report any losses to your insured property and activate the FMIT Turnkey Recovery program for immediate response to any property losses you may have incurred. Also:
Go online: and login to your account and submit your loss notice(s). FMIT and Synergy are immediately notified of your loss submittal.
County Emergency Managers List – For additional contact information about your county, please Click Here.
Current Atlantic Tracking Map
Recovery Safety
Fact Sheet
Installation & User Guide
of Building Safety Inspections
Supporting Emergency Work
In order to give Members a clearer decision path for responding to alerts, FMIT will begin using a new alert rating system. The rating system will be based upon a combination of data that takes into account the following factors with regard to a weather event: Current NOAA Data, Relative Proximity to Florida and Predicted Path & Intensification Data from various sources. We will use a 5-number rating system in ascending order of intensity (similar to how hurricane intensity is rated) in order to help you determine how you should respond to alert information. The numbering system will work as follows: